Faker API is a collection of completely free APIs that help web developers and web designers generate mock data quickly and easily.
No registration is required. No tokens, no authentication.
It's a free-to-use tool made by developers for developers.
Every resource allows to choose the API language by the "_locale" parameter and also allows to select the number of rows requested by the "_quantity" parameter.
Max 1000 rows.
Some resources allow to filter data by GET parameters.
The names of these parameters are always preceded by an underscore character "_", for example:
Data are always wrapped inside a "data" object and are always returned with the total number of rows ("total") and with the Http response "code".
Every resource accepts 3 common GET parameters:
Default: en_US
This parameter means the language of the API response we want to get and accept the locale format "en_EN". For example:
This example returns people with french names.
Here's a list of available locales:
Default: 10
Min: 1 - Max: 1000
This parameter means the number of rows we want to obtain and accept only integers. If you request more than 1000 rows (maximum) the system will return 1000 rows anyway. Example:
This example returns 5 companies.
Default: null
This parameter accept an integer and allows to get always the same results. So, executing the same request with _seed parameter set to the same value (ex. 12345) the results will never change. Example:
Test APIs